Māori Language Week 2024: Ake Ake Ake – A Forever Language
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Māori Language Week 2024: Ake Ake Ake – A Forever Language

Sep 16, 2024

Kia ora, Bear & Moo whānau!

It's Māori Language Week and this years theme is Ake ake akeA Forever Language. This theme celebrates the resilience, adaptability, and endurance of te reo Māori (the Māori language), and highlights a commitment to embracing and preserving the language for future generations.

During this week, communities come together to celebrate the language through speaking, song, dance, cultural displays, and events. It’s a time of connection, pride, and learning, not just for the Māori community but for all of Aotearoa.

At Bear & Moo, we embrace the spirit of te reo Māori and encourage whānau to explore and introduce it into their daily lives. Our Te Reo Māori collection offers a range of pukapuka (books) and kēmu (games), perfect for little learners. From fun interactive activities to beautifully illustrated storybooks, our collection is designed to help make te reo learning engaging and enjoyable for your tamariki.

Easy Ways to Introduce Te Reo Māori to Your Little One's Life

  • Daily Words and Phrases: Start by incorporating simple Māori words into your everyday routines, such as saying kia ora (hello) or mihi (thank you).
  • Sing Along: Children love music! Singing Māori waiata (songs) is a fun and natural way to teach language.
  • Story Time in Te Reo: Reading books in te reo before bed is a calming and educational way to introduce your tamariki to the language.
  • Play Games in Te Reo: Engage with our range of kēmu, where learning happens through fun and interactive play.

As we celebrate Māori Language Week, let’s embrace te reo Māori as a language for today and the future—Ake ake ake, forever and always.

Explore our Te Reo Māori collection here and join us in celebrating the beauty and importance of te reo Māori this week and beyond!

Ngā mihi nui,
Hannah x

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