Have I left it too late?
Cloth Nappies + Inserts

Have I left it too late?

Apr 16, 2019

A question I often get asked is whether it’s worth making the switch to cloth because the little one is now not so little … 6 months, 12 months, 18 months … have I left it too late?

The short answer is always NO!
You haven’t left it too late!  

Let me explain why. 

Every disposable nappy you buy is costing you money.  Anywhere from .30c to .70c depending on the brand and size.  I’m going to be somewhat conservative and assume that you’re currently spending about .45c on a disposable nappy.

Let me do some maths for you (watch out world!). 

Let’s assume your little one toilet trains at 3 years old. 

6 month old baby

Using 6 nappies per day
30 months to go until toilet trained

Cost of disposables: $2430 (.45c x 6 a day x 900 days)
Cost of purchasing 18 cloth nappies: $408
(one day on, one day stored, one day washing/drying + 10 additional bamboo inserts)

Total Saving = $2022


12 month old child

Using 5 nappies per day
24 months to go until toilet trained

Cost of disposables: $1620 (.45c x 5 a day x 720 days)
Cost of purchasing 15 cloth nappies: $352.5
(one day on, one day stored, one day washing/drying + 10 additional bamboo inserts)

Total Saving = $1267.50

18 month old child

Using 4 nappies per day
18 months to go until toilet trained 

Cost of disposables: $972 (.45c x 4 a day x 540 days)
Cost of purchasing 12 cloth nappies: $267
(one day on, one day stored, one day washing/drying + 6 additional bamboo inserts) 

Total Saving = $705

But we haven’t even gotten to the best part yet! 

You can save even more money!

If you have more children, you can reuse the nappies on future babies making the cost per use even lower.

Or if you’re done having children, you can sell your nappies!  Even at $5 per nappy, you would recoup another $60 - $75!

Or if you just want the good karma, you can donate them to local charities like Loving Arms or Mummy's in Need to give to a family in need or to encourage another to give cloth a go!

So if you’ve ever thought you’ve left it too late, trust me, you haven’t. 

The best time to start was when your wee one was born. 

The second-best time to start?  Now!


Ready to start your cloth nappy stash?  Check out our value packs today!